Remove Shortcuts Virus From PC

In computer there are many types of viruses and malwares are available which are unable to find and see. One of the type is Shortcut, with this all of you are familiar. 

When we surfing on net or downloading some file, when transfer file from one PC to another and we send something to pen-drive at that time shortcut is created with name same as original file name. If you try to open them then it will harm your computer and slow down OS.

There are lots of tricks and software available to remove shortcuts, but i will tell something new which you will heard first time. So let's start to free our PC from shortcuts.

  • First Method :

  1. If any shortcuts files in any drive then
  2. Just type ' . ' (dot) search bar in that drive
  3. Now you will see all original files and full path of files without any shortcuts files
  4. Now click on any file it will definitely open
This trick personally tested by me and it's working perfectly for me. I hope you can also free from burden of shortcuts.

  • Second Method :

Note : Try this method on your responsibility, if  anything is wrong then i am not responsible for that.
  1. First open Run Box by pressing "Windows + R
  2. Then type "Regedit" and open Registry Editor
  3. Next click on "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" and find this folder ".lnk", just delete it
  4. I hope you will get satisfaction from removing shortcuts

  • Third Method :
  1. Go to windows and search Command Prompt and run as administrative (Important)
  2. Now write this command "attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Name_drive:*.*"
  3. Next replace Name_drive with your drive letter where has shortcut files, like this "attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d e:*.*"
  4. Click on enter button and go to drive you will see shortcut files will be in original files form.
I hope you have successful in removing shortcuts from PC, share this tutorial with others as much as you can. 


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